Placer School  for Adults

Serving Placer and 

Nevada Counties



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Fall Registration Now Open!  


To Our Community Members,

Placer School for Adults (PSA), in collaboration with Nevada County Joint Unified School District and the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, is happy to announce that we will provide adult education to Nevada County and the Tahoe Truckee Community. PSA has been providing adult education since 1957. Our commitment to providing high-quality education for adults is unwavering. We believe in educating and elevating our students and the communities we serve, and we are honored to be a part of your journey.

This expansion means that PSA is looking to offer the following classes to the Nevada County and the Tahoe Truckee region:

Our Career Technical Education classes align with regionally and nationally recognized certifications, leading to better-paying jobs and further education and training opportunities. Many of our academic and career technical programs will enable you to participate both in person and online.

Our Mission is to help you achieve your full potential and allow you to learn and grow. 

We look forward to seeing you!

PSA Fall Hours
Monday - Thursday  8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday  8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Career Center Hours
Tuesday - Thursday  1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Typing Test
Friday  9:00 AM - 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM  

Please call for an appt: (530) 885-8585 Ext 6000.  

Learn More

Clinical Medical Assistants Smiling

Interested in Becoming a Medical Assistant?

For more information, please complete our interest form, or call 530-885-8585 Ext 6010. 

Hispanic student

Interested in Learning English?

Register for an orientation on our registration page

¿Interesado en aprender inglés?

Regístrese para una orientación en nuestra página de registro

Хотите изучать английский?

Зарегистрируйтесь на ориентацию на нашей странице регистрации



PSA Truck Driving Flyer. The fastest way to start a stable, lon-term and rewarding career in just 4 weeks.

 Truck Driving School

PSA, in collaboration with Western Pacific Truck School, 


Truck Driving School 

The fastest way to start a stable, long-term, and rewarding career in just 4 weeks. 

1) Reserve Your Spot
Enroll now in our next class to guarantee your spot

2) Complete Class
Our program will arm you with everything you need to feel confident on the road

3) Get Placed
Once you complete the class, we will help find you the right opportunity to start your career 

Classes will be held in Auburn 

Call 1-800-333-1233

Our Mission & Vision

Placer School for Adults provides students with education and training to overcome barriers, discover pathways, 

and become lifelong learners who are successful throughout life.

Effective Communicators, Problem Solvers, and Lifelong Learners. 

Placer School for Adults offers 249 distring courses


Classes Offered

Placer School for Adults server more than 2500 student a year


Students Served Annually

Placer School for Adults offers 7 Career Technical Education Certificates


CTE Certification Opportunities